Gillam Community Plan
SMM was retained by Manitoba Hydro to design and develop a holistic urban design plan for the Town of Gillam, a hub for Manitoba Hydro’s northern operations and generating station projects. Developed in consultation with the community, including Fox Lake First Nation, the plan responds to and celebrates northern culture, climatic conditions, and considers the Town’s needs for their future within a sustainable framework.
The design process was collaborative, working with Manitoba Hydro’s own experts in energy modelling and sustainable building systems to inform the overall design approach. This collaboration has led to an innovative Community Plan that is sustainable and reflects aspirations of the local community and Manitoba Hydro’s corporate objectives.
The Community Plan for the Town of Gillam has involved a diverse collection of plans, guidelines and proposals to develop a clear vision for Gillam, including:
• Gillam School Proposal
• Land Development Entitlement
• Town Centre Master Plan
• Gillam Community Design Guidelines
• Recreation Master Plan
• Overall Costing & Phasing